When Time Flies

Time is my favorite thing in the world. It doesn’t matter who you are, what you do, or how you live. You have 24 hours in a day. And even better, you can’t buy time. Every individual has equitable access to the 1,440 minutes in a day.

That being said, time is never bought but always spent.

Going on that midday walk to stay sane. Scrolling mindlessly through a feed you’ll never remember. Gazing deeply at someone or something you love (for me, it’s a paloma after a long work week).

For every day we live, we spend 1,440 minutes.

What are you spending it on?

Stops, Jumps & Flies

Sometimes, time is the only thing on our minds. During the work day, at the gym, or between meetings, for instance.

But the most magical moments in life happen when time does that thing. When it stops. It jumps. It flies. However you like to refer to them, these moments are special. For some snippet of your life, you let time go knowing that it may fly away. And therefore, you let yourself go. You free yourself from being tied to those 1,440 minutes, but instead to beautifully exist as if time didn’t matter.

Take a moment and think about the last time this happened to you. When your schedule was free enough for you to just exist. When you let time go from your grasp and you were just alive. Living as you wish. Living for yourself. Not tied to an expectation or forced interaction.

Being productively yourself, for once. A break from being productive for the sake of others.

Are you replaying that moment in your mind? Who is with you? Who isn’t?

And no moment is insignificant. For me, I’m thinking of a friend I recently played a very competitive best-of-7 game of UNO with (yes, I won).

These moments are never clear until you check the time. Wait… WHAT time is it?! The magic could end there, but only if you let it.

You have 1,440 minutes in a day.

Will you hold time tightly in your grasp? Or let it fly?


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